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Girth Training Advice: Ask The Coach

Are you looking to enhance your girth through effective training methods? In this article, we address three common questions from our clients seeking advice on girth training. Our resident coach, AJ, provides insights and recommendations to help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re new to girth workouts or looking to fine-tune your techniques, read on to find answers to your concerns.

Question 1:

Exploring Higher Erection Levels for Squeezes Client Question about girth: “I’ve just started with the Squeeze for my girth workouts and I feel I can do more than the recommended 70 percent average erection level. Can I try a higher erection for this?”


Coach AJ’s Response:

Certainly, it’s natural to want to push your limits, but when it comes to girth training, there are important considerations. Increasing the erection level for Squeezes can intensify the exercise, but it’s crucial to exercise caution. The degree of force required to manipulate a higher erection increases significantly, and without proper conditioning, you may find the higher erection Squeeze less efficient. Before attempting higher erection levels, it’s essential to assess your readiness and gradually work your way up.

Question 2:

Jelqing Techniques and Base Holding Client Question: “For jelqs, you recommended holding the base to prevent the skin from moving up. Is it better to start from as far back as possible? Can I avoid holding the base by using more lube?”


Coach AJ’s Response:

Your concern is valid, and the effectiveness of jelqing depends on proper technique. To maximize the benefits, aim to stroke as deep into the base as possible. This may require you to hold back the skin with one hand while using the other hand for the stroke. Additionally, spreading your fingers enough to allow the stroking hand the proper range of motion is essential.

Alternatively, using more (thick) lubrication can simplify the exercise and minimize skin movement. Experiment with both methods to determine which one works best for you. Your feedback will help refine your technique and achieve optimal results.


Question 3:

Squeezes vs. Jelqing for Girth Client Question: “Why do I feel that Squeezes are more effective for girth than jelqing, even with similar levels of EQ? Aren’t they both for girth?”


Coach AJ’s Response:

While both Squeezes and jelqing can contribute to girth enhancement, they have distinct characteristics. The Squeeze is a girth-direct exercise, primarily focused on expanding girth. However, it’s worth noting that the Squeeze can also yield some degree of length gains, as it expands the tunica.

On the other hand, jelqing is a versatile exercise with various applications. It can promote girth gains and improve blood flow, contributing to enhanced erectile quality (EQ). Some individuals may find that Squeezes work better for them due to their specific goals and preferences. It’s essential to tailor your training routine to your objectives and adapt as needed to achieve the desired results.



🐢 Come out of the shell: Understanding Turtling and How to Minimize It → Learn about the phenomenon of “turtling” during penis enhancement exercises and how to minimize it.

🔥 Unleashing the Fire Within: The Power of a Healthy Libido → Discover the importance of a healthy libido for a passionate and fulfilling life. Learn practical tips to care for your libido.

🍄 Glans Enlargement Unveiled: Techniques, Safety, and Best Practices → Introduction to glans enlargement Big and bold is what some men crave, especially when it comes to the crown jewel of their manhood.

Explore Your Girth Enhancement Journey:

Girth training is a personalized journey, and it’s essential to approach it with knowledge and care. Our coach, AJ, has provided valuable insights into girth training techniques, including the use of erection levels, base holding in jelqing, and the differences between Squeezes and jelqing. Remember that consistency and gradual progression are key to success in girth enhancement. If you have more questions or concerns, feel free to reach out, and we’ll continue to provide expert guidance on your journey to girth improvement.

Penile Exercise Coaching: Forge Confidence

The Power of Pre-Exhaust Technique in Penis Enlargement

In the quest for more size, many are introduced to a plethora of methods, each with its own promise. Yet, amidst the plethora of techniques, the pre-exhaust method stands out, offering a nuanced approach to achieving desired results.

The Science and Strategy Behind the Pre-Exhaust Principle in Penis Enlargement

At its core, the pre-exhaust technique is about priming the tissues for optimal responsiveness in penis enlargement. By initiating with a high-intensity exercise, the tissues are ‘pre-fatigued’, heightening their receptivity to the exercises that follow. This method not only amplifies the main exercise’s effectiveness but also ensures tissues are in the best state for growth, cell division, and the tension exerted.

|👉 Also read: Manual Training: 3 Exercises You Didn’t Know for Penile Girth

A Practical Dive into Extender Efficiency

The brilliance of the pre-exhaust technique shines when combined with tools like extenders. For instance, starting with Tension Stretches prepares the tissues, allowing for a more profound stretch when the extender is applied. This synergy is especially beneficial for advanced trainers or those with time constraints. The method’s adaptability is evident in its application: one can perform a set of stretches, extend for an hour, take a brief Kegel break, and repeat. This cycle, executed 3-4 times, results in a comprehensive workout that maximizes every minute spent.

1 set: 10-20 Tension Stretches → Extender/ADS for 1 hour → Kegel Break
2 set: 10-20 Tension Stretches → Extender/ADS for 1 hour → Kegel Break
3 set: 10-20 Tension Stretches → Extender/ADS for 1 hour → Kegel Break
4 set: 10-20 Tension Stretches → Extender/ADS for 1 hour → Kegel Break

Watch in the JELQ2GROW Academy for FREE today!

Girth Work and the Pre-Exhaust Principle’s Versatility

While often linked to length exercises, the pre-exhaust method’s principles are equally potent for girth work. Before delving into intense girth training like pumping or clamping, a pre-exhaust exercise can be the game-changer, setting the stage for enhanced post-workout tissue expansion. The pre-exhaust technique, often likened to warm-up or primer exercises, stands out by providing a clearer insight and a profound understanding of its primary goal: achieving unmatched tissue responsiveness.

Charting a New Course in Male Enhancement

The pre-exhaust technique presents a refined approach to male enhancement, emphasizing optimal tissue responsiveness and tailored routines. For those keen to delve deeper into this method or other facets of enlargement, an audit call with our seasoned experts can provide personalized guidance, ensuring you embark on a journey that’s both effective and safe.

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Check Out Our HUGE List Of Archived TOTALMAN Instructional Videos!

We’ve partnered with TotalMan and will be presenting regular video features from this comprehensive site!

Please check out the convenient lists of archived videos below (WARNING- Some of the videos are UNCENSORED and present images of frontal male nudity for educational purposes):


How to use a penis pump | Penis Enlargement routine and results | Uncensored


Penis Hanging – Penis Enlargement


Real Penis Enlargement


Increase Penis Size | By how much can I enlarge my penis?


4 Reasons PORN can be DESTROYING your life


My Male Enhancement Progress 2019 | Penis Enlargement | Lasting Longer | Harder


The Dangers and Risks of Penis Enlargement | Non Surgical


How to Last Longer in the Bedroom | How to Edge Properly


The Big Secret to Penis Enlargement | Part 1


The Big Secret to Penis Enlargement | Part 2


The Big Secret to Penis Enlargement | Part 3


Top 5 DRINKS for Bigger and Better Erections for Better Sex | Natural, Safe and Tasty!


The Truth about Male Enhancement | Penis Enlargement | Sexual Stamina | Better Erections


3 Methods to turn them on for Better, More Connected and Deeper SEX


5 Things to AVOID for a Bigger, Harder and Healthier Penis


Top 5 Sex Positions to make your Penis Feel Bigger!


Top 5 Sex Positions to Last Longer in the Bedroom


Last longer in the bedroom | 5 Super Effective methods!


The Ultimate Penis Extender modification | DIY for a better device


Male Enhancement Recipe for a Bigger, Harder Penis and Better Sex!


Top 10 Foods for Harder Erections


Penis Hanging Penis Enlargement – Compression Based Methods Tutorial


Vacuum Penis Hanging – Penis Enlargement Vacuum Chamber Methods – Tutorial


5 Foreplay Tips – Rock the Bedroom with Better Sex


One Big Secret To Penis Enlargement Success


What is Male Enhancement? | How to become a Total Man !


Penis Enlargement | What is safer to use? | Manual Methods or Devices?


Penis Enlargement Injury or Issues | Prevent or Fix Hard Flaccid


Before PENIS ENLARGEMENT | You MUST watch this!


The best method to lasting longer in the bedroom


To the Dads and Sons of the world – WATCH THIS – To my Dad, Thank you


Power of Re-Frames in any area of life – Body Mind Soul


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Girth Training Advice: Ask The Experts

Girth Training Advice: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of MaleEnhancementCoach.com, answers questions about training the penis for girth.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. I’ve just started with the Squeeze for my girth workouts and I’ve gotta say I love em!

I’m doing the recommended 70 percent average but I feel I can do much more. Can I try a higher erection for this?

Al: You can use a higher level of erection to make the Squeezes more intense, but you have to be careful with this- since the degree of force needed to manipulated a higher erection increases almost exponentially. If you don’t have the necessary conditioning, you might find the higher erection Squeeze LESS efficient.

*                *                *

Q. You had stated that for jelqs, I should be holding one hand at the base so the skin doesn’t move up with the jelq.

However, isn’t it preferable to start from as far back of the penis as possible? And if I hold that base, I that means I have to start further ahead?

How about instead of holding the base, I just use more lube so that when I’m jelqing, it’s not actually moving up the skin?

Al: You’re correct in that you should be getting the stroking hand as deep into the base as possible. This may require you hold back skin with the other hand and spread your fingers enough to allow the stroking hand to get the proper range of motion.

You can also try using more (thick) lube. IMO, this is preferable as it simplifies the exercise. Please let me know how it goes if you decide to try this.

*                *                *

Q. Why is it that I feel the Squeezes better for me for girth than jelqing even if I use about the same level of EQ?

Aren’t they both for girth?

Al: The Squeeze is considered to be a girth-direct exercise, whereas the jelq is an exercise which can be used for a variety of functions. That being said, even the Squeeze can yield some degree of length gains since the tunica is being expanded. Some have also commented on EQ improvement using Squeezes, though the [light] jelqs are, IMO, better for contributing to more blood flow.

*                *                *

Do you want Al to answer your questions?  Please check out MaleEnhancementCoach.com

The Context of Stamina Exercises for Training Male Enhancement: Ask The Experts

The Context of Stamina Exercises for Training Male Enhancement: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of MaleEnhancementCoach.com, answers questions about exercises.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q. In your 3×20 routine you mention doing Kegels during the breaks in between sets.

What’s the advantage of this over doing them after the hanging?

Al: The Kegels in between sets are meant to act as an antagonist to the stretching- creating a “push/pull” effect*. There’s also the efficiency factor. It’s recommended you take a break in between hanging sets to restore full circulation, so if you can that and take care of other aspects of your training, you save time.

*Reference: https://mediphysio.com.au/pnf-stretching-technique/

Q. What is the purpose for starting a workout using Emotional Visualizations?

Al: The Emotional Visualizations serve the purpose of dispelling emotions inappropriate to the scenario (e.g.- anxiety, apathy, etc.) and replacing them with, at the very least, a feeling of neutrality. Optimally, you should be inducing a feeling of confidence and relaxed joy to effect the best response. This will allow you to set the tone to extract much more out of the sensations you’re experiencing- which leads to a better kinesthetic sense during training. As you get better as inducing the desired emotions, you’ll learn to transcend limitations placed by your own [initial] mental reservations.

Q. Up until now I haven’t been doing any sort of stamina exercise…

[Editor’s Note: This refers to Kegels and edging and may also include outside activities like cardiovascular training], and I think this could be why I’m not making gains. Getting erections is easy for me but maintaining them past a few minutes is hard. What should I do?

Al: It can’t be stressed enough that- for as long as you’re pursuing enlargement- you should be attempting to get your Erection Quality (EQ) as high as you can get it. This rule applies even if your sexual prowess is satisfactory. Few factors are more important for inducing maximum tissue stretch and recovery than high EQ.

This doesn’t even cover the other benefits of stamina work- which include greater penis strength and health, as well as ejaculatory control. One can even develop the ability to become multiorgasmic, as discussed in the Master Your Orgasms exercise.

In your case, including Kegels and Stop and Starts immediately after your enlargement work should work well. You should also take care to do what you can outside of male enhancement training to induce better EQ, and nothing beats cardiovascular exercise for this purpose.

What is EQ, Trusting Emotional Visualizations & Pacing Kegel Reps: Ask The Experts

What is EQ, Trusting Emotional Visualizations & Pacing Kegel Reps: Ask The Experts

Big Al, of MaleEnhancementCoach.com, answers questions about EQ, Emotional Visualizations and pacing kegel reps.

If you have questions you’d like answered in an Ask the Experts article, please PM Big Al

Q: What is EQ and how do I measure it?

Al: Erection Quality is a combined measure of stamina AND hardness.
A 0 would be complete impotence whereas a 10 would be YOUR ideal standard of stamina and hardness. You can use whatever standard you like to gauge EQ: workout performance, sexual activity, or even an average of it all- as long as it’s consistent.

A 7 is typically considered just hard enough for penetration, but still flexible.

Q. How come I’m really struggling with the idea of trusting emotional visualization to get erect.

Doing the exercises isn’t an issue for me but how I get erect direct is and I’m concerned about that.

Al: The above is the very reason you should practice Emotional Visualizations. Your struggling and concern are the items sought to be mastered with the exercise. The EV is where you learn to let go of struggles and concerns. Doing this during training will help you to develop a foundation which transfers over to sexual confidence and performance. Practiced individually and widely, it can also help to place sex into its proper context into people’s lives.

It may sound as if I’m overblowing the effects of the EV, but the benefits from and skills learned from that exercise will be of immense value to you!

Q. Thank you for recommending the kegels! I am noticing a difference in hardness and waking up at night with hard ons after one week.

You recommended starting off with 5 reps, but I felt I could do more, so I am adding 5 every day. I am up to 15 reps but it’s getting harder to do them now! What do you recommend that I do now with the reps?

Al: For the kegels- or any other exercise- you need to take care not to force your limits just yet! The reasoning behind this involves training momentum. If you pace your progress, you’ll be able to train for MUCH longer in a progressive manner. If you force a peak in your training too soon you’ll burn out very quickly (no training momentum).

The Kegels usually doesn’t lend itself to very rapid rep increases from an established baseline. I’d recommend you back off to ~10 reps or so and resume adding one rep per session. When you get to 20 resp total, add 2 reps per session.