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The Tunica Albuginea’s Role in Penis Enhancement

Tunica Albuginea’s Role in Penis Enhancement

Health expert and a personal trainer at Male Enhancement Coach, Dr. Richard Howard II, discusses the anatomy of the penis and the role of the much-talked about “tunica” albuginea in male enhancement, enlargement and exercising.

Tunica Albuginea’s Role in Penis Enhancement

Dr. Richard Howard II is a doctor of public health, author, and a penis trainer at Male Enhancement Coach, which has been featured on CNN, MSNBC and dozens of other news outlets. A strong foundation of the penis anatomy is vital to getting the most out of your penile exercising workouts. A complete understanding of the penis has enabled me to get the results I have with my penis workouts – and I believe the same can be done for you. To kick-start an understanding of the penis anatomy, I’ll be doing a series of articles on the penis on a scientific level. This project turned out to be much more extensive than expected, but I felt it was important to define as precisely as possible the functional role inside the penis of the tunica albuginea and it’s collagen. With that in mind, get your brain caps and prepare for an understanding of the penis tunica and related anatomical parts. As a side note, I strongly recommend you review the referenced literature, in so doing you will be given an array of concepts that are not easily found which will better organize understanding and your penis enlargement efforts.

Overview of the Anatomical Structure of the Penis

FIGURE: Overview of the Anatomical Structure of the Penis. While all structures are of importance, please note the following structures. In the top plate please note the fundiform ligament, suspensory ligament, ischiocavernosus muscle over crus, ischiopubic ramus. In the bottom plate please note the suspensory ligament, corpus spongiosum, corpus cavernosum penis, and bulbospongiosus muscle. Please peruse thrpugh the other structures. Second imaged provided by Virtual Medical Centre.

The Anatomy of the Tunica Albuginea in the Normal Penis.

I rewrote this scientific article so that it is more easily understood by a non-scientist as it is filled with scientific terms and descriptions. I feel that it is highly significant and is a must read for your repertoire of understanding the penis collagenous structure.

The Tunica Albuginea of the Penis

The tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa is a bi-layered structure with multiple layers – chiefly an “inner layer” and an “outer layer.” How this applies to you: The tunica seems to be one of the main anatomical features that penile enlargement depends upon. In fact, it is often cited that the layers inside the tunica are one of the limiting factors that enable growth. In other words, if you want to enlarge your penis or improve your penis health, you’ll need to stretch, enlarge, and improve the the tunica directly. Learning how to do this more effectively will lead to quicker results. Your tunica should be taken into concern when deciding on a good your penile exercising routine that fits you.

The Inner Layer of the Tunica

The inner layer bundles support and contain the cavernous tissue and are oriented circularly. Radiating from the inner layer of the tunica are intracavernous pillars acting as struts, which augment the septum increase and provide essential support to the erectile tissue. The septum of the penis originates from the inner circular layer of collagen coming together to form a “wall” thus dividing the corpus cavernosum into two chambers.

The Outer Layer of the Tunica

Outer layer bundles are oriented longitudinally or lengthwise orientation to the shaft. These fibers extend from the glans penis to the proximal crura, where they insert into the inferior pubic ramus. Elastic fibers normally form an irregularly latticed network on which collagen fibers rest. In Peyronie’s disease the well ordered appearance of the collagen layers is lost: excessive deposits of collagen, disordered elastic fibers and fibrin are found within the region of the plaque.

Collagen Fiber Alignment in the Tunica

The human tunica albuginea is a complex structure, and is designed to be functionally compatible for the purpose of sexual intimacy. The collagen bundles in the tunica are oriented either circularly or longitudinally (along the length of the penis from the base to the glans) with multiple collagen bundle layers able to slide against each other. The tunica’s inner layer collagen is finer, and has circularly oriented bundles which surround and penetrate the cavernous tissue. The outer layers are coarser and directed longitudinally extending from the base to the glans.

The Shape of Your Penis and the Tunica

The overall shape of the penis varies, with the location determined by the surrounding tunica albuginea. The tunica effects the size, shape, and hardness of the penis, and the tunica itself is effected by the amount of layers it has. Please note that there is variability in tunica composition, as some men have the average two layers discussed in this article, while others have only one layer, and other have three layers. More Layers of Tunica = Harder Gains? It is thought that those with the three layers may be the ones with the greatest difficulty with generating penile size increases and conversely those with only one layer of tunica have the greatest ease with making penis enlargement a reality.

An artist's drawing of penis shows dorsal and ventral thickening and struts

An artist's drawing of penis shows dorsal and ventral thickening and struts

FIGURE: An artist’s drawing of penis shows dorsal and ventral thickening and struts.

The Tunica and the Corpus Cavernosum Inside the Penis

The body of the penis is composed of three cylindrical chambers. The upper half of the penis houses the two main chambers known as the corpus cavernosum (CC). The bottom chamber is known as the corpus spongiousum. The septum of the penis (which forms from the tunica inner layer bundles) divides the corpus cavernosum into two separate chambers. The median septum is complete proximally (the base area) and extends distally into each crus (areas of attachment) and are often incomplete at the glans (the head of the penis)

Maintaining Penis Support

The inner layer bundles also send off perpendicular or intracavernous pillars that act as struts analogous to spokes on a bicycle. See figure 2 for an example. These “struts” maintain intracavernous support inside the penis. The dorsal aspect (top) is has window-like openings.

illustration three chambers of the penis

FIGURE: The three chambers of the penis. The top two corpus cavernosum and the bottom corpus spongiosum. Both top chambers are the same anatomically, but on the right the intracavernous pillars are shown.

The Corpous Spongiosum: The Bottom Chamber of the Penis

The intervening space (the ventral groove) houses the corpus spongiosum (CS). Inside urethra, which ejacualtes semen and urine, sits inside the CS. The absence of intercavernous bundles between the ventral (bottom) thickenings allows the corpus spongiosum (cs) to expand without restriction. What are “ventral thickenings”?
The outer layer bundles are oriented along the length of the shaft from base to glans, and they condense to form triangular ligamentous structures that we call ventral thickenings located at the underside of the penis. Longitudinal band thickenings toward the glans. Note that the longitudinal bundles are thicker on top (dorsally) these dorsal (top) thickenings bands are located at the top of the shaft and ultimately extend into the glans distally as a single structure. These longitudinal bundles are located in the glans in the topside of the penis.

Dorsal Thickenings at the Base

When the dorsal thickenings are followed toward the base (proximally), they form the walls of the dorsal groove Figure 1, then gradually separate, anchoring the penile crura to the inferior pubic ramus. The longitudinal fibers from the lateral (side) aspect (located on the upper left and right sides of the penile shaft) interdigitate with the suspensory ligament and fan out to join the adjacent ischiocavernous muscle, a very important concept!

Role of Elastic Fibers in the Tunica

The second structural component of the tunica albuginea is the elastic fibers that form an irregularly latticed framework on which collagen rests. In the penile shaft, tunical elastic fibers and collagen are intertwined. However, proximally (the base) strands of skeletal muscle intermingle with outer layer bundles along the lateral aspect of the crus penis (interface of collagen fibers and IC muscle). The elastic network is present but with fewer fibers. The tunica at both ends (base and glans) where the inner layer bundles terminate, consists exclusively of collagen, reminiscent of ligamentous tissue.

The Tunica and You

Hopefully this information provides a much better in-depth understanding of the anatomical features of the penis, which, in turn, should better elucidate what is happening when penile enhancement methods are performed. By being able to better visualize the internal anatomy of the tunica albuginea, it is my desire that you will have the knowledge necessary to create or alter your penile enhancement routine to set yourself up for maximized success!

About Dr. Richard Howard II

A Doctor of Public Health for over 20 years, Richard Howard II is the author or “Vitamin C and Ophthalmic Wound Healing,” and other scientific papers. As an early advocate of penile exercising to maintain optimal sexual health, Howard has added over 3 inches in penis length and 2 inches increase girth, as well as maintained optimal penis health, fitness, and stamina. Dr. Howard can help you change your penis healthfully and properly as a personal trainer at Male Enhancement Coach, which has been featured on CNN, MSNBC and dozens of other news outlets. Learn more about Dr. Howard here.


  1. Frank H. Netter, M.D., The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations, Reproductive System, 1997; Volume 2, Page 9.
  2. Gerald Brock, Geng-Long Hsu, Lora Nunes, Burkhard von Heyden, Tom F. Lue – “The Anatomy of the Tunica Albuginea in the Normal Penis and Peyronie’s Disease” – J Urol. 1997; Volume 157, Issue 1, 276-281
  3. 5.5 Hsu G-L, Brock GB, Martinez-Pineiro L, Nunes L, von Heyden B, Lue TF . The three-dimensional structure of the tunica albuginea: anatomical and ultrastructural levels. . Int. J. Impotence Res. 1992;4:117.




  1. […] C in plays a vital role in producing collagen necessary for repairing the tunica after being put under intense stretching (either through penis devices or manual penis exercises […]

  2. […] is the expansion of: skin, blood vessels, the corpus cavernosa (CC), corpus spongiosum (CS), the tunica, and the pulling in of lymphatic liquids. The vacuum also creates pressure on the ligaments, which […]

  3. […] you from hanging the amount of weight you will need create enough controlled damage to deform your Tunica and suspensory ligaments. In other words, bad technique will reduce your maximum weight, and it […]

  4. This is a great article, and from my own experience after so many years of PE, I came to the conclusion that the limiting factor is the tunica. It is complex, and in reality, to obtain a significant difference in growth, would require to add more fibers and collagen to the whole tunica structure. That is where genetic manipulation and chemicals are the best solution.

  5. An excellent article. Thank you for re-writing for the lay reader. This provides me with a better understanding of the anatomy of my penis.

    I look forward to future articles.

  6. I am very proud to have this article up on the PEGym! It’s information like THIS that will begin to shape public thought about the scientific reality of penile enhancement/enlargement. Excellent article Dr. Howard, I can’t wait to see the other portions of this series!!

  7. Amazing article! It was a pleasure working with you on this piece, Dr. Howard!

  8. Great effort. It’s nice to see that you’re taking the time to share such valuable information.

    +20 awesome points.

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