New Series: Ask Kimberly

Partner Doesn’t Enjoy Oral Sex - Ask Kimberly

New Series Ask KimberlyI have a unique position here at PEGym, as one of only a few women active on PEGym, and the only female staff member, I get quite a few direct messages from members, asking questions or asking for my opinion.

I love these!!

However, every time I think, “I bet there are other guys out there wondering the same thing!” So, introducing…

Ask Kimberly

If you have a question, or want some input on a situation, just ask! You can send me a direct message at forum name – KMWylie

All questions posted and answered will be anonymous, so don’t be shy! 🙂  Remember, if you’re wondering about it, chances are there are a lot of other guys out there wondering the same thing or with a similar situation.